Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4th In Austin

For the July 4th weekend we went to Austin to celebrate Korey's friend, Javier, and his bride Esme's wedding. Here they are at Le Condesa. We ate Mexican food that was considered coastal. Except for the ceviche (like sushi) it was delicious!!

Here is the happy couple cutting their cake.

Doing the traditional thing...
We spent July 4th day celebrating their wedding all day long. We ended the night at Mighty Fine burger where they have a hand sanitizing system that Korey is trying out. I am a firm believer in hand sanitation but not of this kind!

We stayed at a super-cool hotel that Korey found a deal online. Here we are goofing off. Note the TV in the background.

And here is Korey showing off the 42 inch plasma HDTV that was in our room. It was awesome!! You could see this thing from anywhere in the room.

On Sunday morning we met for brunch at Central Market. Korey ate his breakfast, then finished mine, then ate some of Javier's. Ugh!

Here is a pic of the intellectual highlight of my trip. Meet Patricia and Max, husband and wife. Patricia (Javier's sister) is an anti-trust lawyer with the Federal Trade Commission in D.C. and Max is a law professor at a university. I'm sure they got annoyed with all of my questions. But they did introduce me to REI the outdoor store which was really neat. Oh and Max is training for a 100 mile marathon. Yep, that's right. I didn't even know they existed!

Awww...the happy couple.

After brunch and REI we ventured off to Barton Springs to swim. It was so stinking hot in Austin that it was a welcome break from the heat.

After Barton Springs we went down the street to Chuy's for drinks and food. Javier and Korey grew up together so here they are showing how comfortable they are around each other.
Cooling off under the fans and A/C at Chuy's...

Mucho fun in Austin!

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