1. He's sitting in front of the t.v. What is on the screen?
Today it was America, the Story of Us. Usually it's CNN. During football season it's any football game. When we're watching something together, it's usually reality TV.
2. You're out to eat. What type of dressing does he get on his salad?
I've never seen him order a salad as an entree but if it comes with his entree he'll get Ranch.
3. What is one food he doesn't like?
Lately he turns his nose up at anything made with wheat pasta. Someone please tell him it's better for you and it doesn't taste different!
4. Where did he go to high school?
Terry High School in Richmond-Rosenburg (near Houston)
5. What size shoe does he wear?
10.5 or 11
6. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Nothing! And that's the truth!
7. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Ham or cheese, PB&J, the Italian Grinder at Which Wich, or a homemade panini with pepperoni and cheese.
8. What would the husband eat everyday if he could?
Hamburgers and french fries! Or steak. He's telling me Mexican food such as fajitas or chimichangas.
9. What is his favorite cereal?
Today he ate Lucky Charms. I think it's whatever he wasn't allowed to eat as a kid.
10. What would he never wear?
He is so picky about clothes! We only shop at a couple of places for him. He's very particular about the fit and the way the sleeves are. So anything that doesn't match up to that.
11. What is his favorite sports team?
In football season it's any team that plays.
12. Who is his best friend?
Me of course!
13. What is something I do that he wishes I'd never do?
Give him a honey-do list!
14. How many states has he lived in?
Only TX. But he did try to live in Latin America but it didn't work out.
15. Did he play sports in high school?
Tennis for his high school but he's played soccer since he was little.