Hunter Richmond Scott
born on:
7/19/2010 at 7:52am
7lb 14 oz, 20.5 in
born on:
7/19/2010 at 7:52am
7lb 14 oz, 20.5 in
I went to the hospital that Monday morning and he was born just a few hours after I arrived via c-section. We had chosen a c-section due to the fact that we were told that he was big and I was small and my dr thought I would have trouble delivering him normally. Turns out that it was a good choice because the cord was wrapped around his neck and if I had tried to deliver him his heart rate would have dropped as the cord tightened and I would have had an emergency c-section.
Here we are in the OR. Please pardon my drug-induced "smile."
And here is Hunter with his eyes open. He is so cute! Check out those cheeks!
Here is his Nana holding him. This is Korey's mom.
This is my dad holding him. And yes he does have a scratch on his head. It's a hazard of his job.
My mom holding him. This is her and my dad's first grandchild!!
Petit fours provided by my sister in honor of Hunter!The three of us just before we left the hospital to head home.
Korey feeding Hunter a bottle of my milk.Hunter in his car seat about to head home. Notice his hands by his face...this is how he sleeps sometimes.
Me at home with my baby!
We are very excited, thrilled, and find it surreal that he is here with us. We love him very much!