Well! It's been an adventure lately. It all started one afternoon when Korey and Hunter went park hunting. They came across a neighborhood he really liked and he texted me saying how nice it was. Then he mentioned there was a model home. I encouraged him to go in just to see what it looked like. He went in and was in love! This was in April. So on Good Friday since I had the day off he took me to see it. I started crying when I walked in it was so nice. And there was space! Lots of space!
Then Korey started talking about the possibility of us building with this particular builder. We knew what the price was and I told him we'd have to eat beans and rice for another year. Literally. It made my hyperventilate. Then Korey discovered that the same builder was building the same house in another neighborhood that was significantly cheaper. When he told me the price the hyperventilating returned. But neither one of us could stop talking about the house and one night we finally crunched numbers and figured out financially we could do it. Korey even brought me a 3 page strategic plan that outlined our expenses and our savings and what would happen if we had two mortgages. He was speaking this accountant's love language. And may I remind you that he is the artist and I'm the numbers person.
Here's a quick timeline of how our April went:
April 6- Good Friday - Model Home visit
April 15 - Both felt led to see "cheaper" neighborhood again
April 16-20 - Korey got our house ready to show. He steam cleaned carpets and moved out half of our belongings.
April 20 - Met with realtor
April 23 - Signed contract on new house
Aprl 26 - Our current house was listed
April 27 - 3 showings
April 28 - 2 showings and 2 offers
To date we've had at least 15 showings. That is exhausting!
I can't believe how fast this was going! So fast that everytime Korey and I talked it was a logistical conversation about being out of the house and meetings and contracts to sign. It was super stressful! But Korey was a rockstar through this whole process because whenever the new house sales guy or the realtor needed to talk to someone they called him.
Side note - Korey and I have been talking about buying a new house for a couple of years now but we said we would never build because lots were just too expensive. Well...scratch that!
Whenever we got a call for a house showing we camped out at my parent's house. Here are a few pictures from our time there.
The dogs were in doggy heaven with that big water bowl/pool.

We spent most of our time on the back porch. My mom was super awesome in feeding us at the last minute whenever I called her.
Korey and Hunter was watching water squirt out of the "sting ray."
And here it is! The site of our new home. It's the big grassy lot.
And this was taken on 5/17. This is really a dream come true for us! Not because we're going to have a bigger, "material" item to own but because my dream for so long is to be able to use our home for ministry purposes. We both have been praying for our future neighbors and how we can use our home for God's glory. Can't wait to see what God has in store!