Monday, March 5, 2012

Post Office Adventures

My latest Mamarazzi assignment from our fabulous teacher was "Leading Lines on Manual mode" which simply means that our picture had to include lines leading up to the subject.  A couple of these don't fit the assignment but I included them because I love Hunter's expression in them.

We are in a local post office which happens to be closed on Saturdays except for the PO box side.  Whenever I go I let Hunter run around since there is never anyone there.  There is tons of natural light perfect for picture taking plus I can ask Hunter to read me the numbers on the boxes so it's good number practice for him.

I absolutely love his expression in this one.  And his companion, the monkey, never leaves his side lately.
Poor monkey.  I hope he can breathe.
Lots of leading lines!
Here, he is reading me the numbers.
A great expression and leading lines!

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